Community Engagement

  • Non-Profit Organizations

    Are you looking to make a positive impact in your community? I am excited to partner with non-profit organizations and offer workshops and informational sessions on the transformative power of art therapy.

    By sharing my expertise and passion, I can help individuals unleash their creativity, learn more about the benefits of art therapy, and experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from artistic expression. If you are interested in this opportunity, please feel free to contact me via email. It would be my pleasure to connect with you!

  • Local School Talks

    Are you a teacher of a careers class? Is your school looking for a speaker to shed some light on the intersection of art and mental health? Have your students expressed their interest in the art therapy field?

    I offer educational talks on art therapy and can share more about my journey and how I came to be where I am today. As a local professional, I would love to connect with your school and offer my insights.

    I believe that having a professional come and speak at my school would have been immensely helpful when I was growing up. If you feel that this is something that could benefit your class, please reach out to me. We can set up a call to connect further!